Consider These Caveats When You Work As A Massage Therapist From Home

Michelle Hopkins

One of the advantages of getting trained and certified as a massage therapist is that you can work wherever you'd like. Many massage therapists opt to work from home if there's enough space for a proper treatment room. Working from home saves you the overhead of renting space to get your own a clinic or having to pay a percentage of your earnings to someone if you work in someone else's clinic. Before you decide to work from home, however, you should consider some thoughts about how you'll approach getting clients. Here are some caveats that you'll want to think about.

Referrals Only

Some massage therapists who work from home will only take clients who have been referred by other clients or perhaps family members and friends. In other words, these therapists won't advertise their services. Instead, they'll use word of mouth to get business. Working only with referral clients can be a security measure. Not everyone likes the idea of inviting a stranger into his or her home, but knowing that those you treat have come to you after being referred by someone you know can be more comforting.

Same Sex Only

Another thing to think about is the gender of the people you wish to treat. There are lots of self-employed massage therapists who will only treat people of the same gender when they work at home. For example, a female therapist may feel uneasy having a man come into her home. Similarly, a male therapist may feel that a female client could be a little anxious about being alone in a home with a man; for this reason, the therapist may be concerned that his client cannot relax enough to receive a quality massage.

Working When Others Are Home

One of the advantages of working out of your home is that it can be quiet when the house is empty. However, this may also make you feel a little anxious in some cases. One way that you can get around this concern is to only book clients when someone else is home. For example, if you're a female therapist and you take male clients, you might not want to take them during the daytime. However, if your husband gets home from work around 5 p.m., one idea could be to accept male clients from 5 p.m. onward. Many clients enjoy booking massage sessions for after work, so this approach can work well.
