How To Cope With An Unexpected Pregnancy

Michelle Hopkins

If you recently took a pregnancy test because you had suspicions when your cycle became irregular and you received a positive result, you are undoubtedly going through several feelings about your situation. If your pregnancy is unexpected, you are likely anxious and not sure about your next move. Here are steps to take to get through the early days of an unexpected pregnancy.

Decide Who You Want To Tell The News

Before you blurt out the news to everyone, consider keeping it to yourself for a few days. Perhaps you are not ready to go through having to explain yourself if you are single, unmarried, or very young. Should you decide on adoption or abortion, letting others know after you disclose your pregnancy is also a difficult task to undertake. Many women refrain from letting others know about their pregnancies purely because they want to make sure they are viable instead of having to explain about miscarriages that occur. If you are excited about the pregnancy and do not mind letting others know, consider waiting so you have time to plan a disclosure as a surprise event.

Get Appropriate Care As Soon As Possible

No matter how you feel about your pregnancy, you need pregnancy care early on. Reach out to an obstetrician or midwife in your area to make an appointment to confirm the pregnancy. During this appointment, you are provided with information about how far your pregnancy has progressed as well as any potential problems the practitioner found during your examination. You are informed about the importance of a proper diet and you are provided with a prescription for vitamins. Make a follow-up appointment according to your practitioner's recommendations. If at any time you have a question about your pregnancy, they are available to answer them for you.

Consider Therapy To Talk About Your Feelings

An unexpected pregnancy is a lot to undertake. For some people, speaking to a therapist about their feelings is helpful. A therapist provides you with coping mechanisms to help you get through the pregnancy throughout each stage. If you would rather speak to someone your own age or who is in a similar situation as yours, turn to online platforms. Here, you have the opportunity to write or video conference with other women who have the same concerns as you do. This can be a wonderful way to make new friends as well.
