3 Common Orthopedic Injuries

Michelle Hopkins

There are many doctors who specialize in different parts of the body. An orthopedic doctor specializes in the musculoskeletal system. While there are many orthopedic injuries, some are much more common than others. If you would like to know more to determine if an orthopedist is right for you, check out these common orthopedic injuries.

1. Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Carpel tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve gets compressed in the lower hand/wrist. It can present with pain, and the pain may spread up the arm. In some cases, the pressure causes a shocking pain that radiates through the hand. Many people with carpel tunnel syndrome also have weakness or numbness in their fingers.

Any action that causes repeated irritation to the carpel tunnel can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. However, the condition is commonly associated with heavy and long-term computer use. Many people don't have ergonomic spaces, and if you type with your wrists bent, it can put pressure on the nerve and lead to carpel tunnel syndrome.

Depending on the severity, you may find relief with non-surgical options like wrist braces, activity changes, and nerve gliding exercises. If these methods don't work, your doctor may recommend surgery to provide better and longer-lasting results.

2. Plantar Fasciitis

While carpel tunnel syndrome affects your hands, plantar fasciitis affects the bottom of your foot. A band of tissue runs along the bottom of your foot: the plantar fascia. This tissue absorbs a lot of stress from walking. As a result, however, it can become strained and sore.

If the fascia becomes irritated, it can lead to extreme pain, especially when walking. You may feel pain in the arch of your foot or the heel. You can irritate your fascia by walking incorrectly, getting too active too suddenly, wearing ill-fitting shoes, and much more.

Treatment doesn't usually require surgery. In fact, most patients do well with rest and activity modifications. If you have chronic plantar fasciitis, orthotics may also help to take some pressure off the fascia.

3. Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, as the name suggests, affects your elbow. Inflammation and microtears in the tendons can cause pain and stiffness, especially along the outside of the elbow. You may also notice burning on the outside of your elbow and weaker grip strength. Symptoms usually worsen when you bend the elbow.

Tennis elbow is largely caused by repeated motions that bend the elbow, such as swinging a tennis racket. However, any activity that causes you to frequently bend and unbend your elbow can increase the risk.

Treatment, like carpel tunnel syndrome, largely involves rest, braces, and changing activities. However, if treatment doesn't work, you can ask about surgery. During surgery, the damaged tissue is removed to help relieve symptoms.

If you have pain that won't go away, it may be time to contact a health service such as South Shore Health. They can treat a wide variety of conditions. If you would like to know more, contact an orthopedist in your area today.
