What Pediatric Palliative Care Adds To Your Child's Regular Medical Care For A Terminally Ill Disease

Michelle Hopkins

There is nothing more anguishing than having to tell parents that their child is suffering from a terminally ill disease and may die early because of the diagnosis. Healthcare professionals are aware of the emotional and physical drain this diagnosis places on parents and children. A specially trained team of professionals take care of terminally ill children every day. Team members in a compassionate way introduce some semblance of order and comfort to parents who have terminally ill children. What does pediatric palliative care add to your child's regular medical care for a terminally ill disease?

Pediatric Palliative Care For Children And Their Parents

Your sick child suffers physical and emotional pain when diagnosed with a terminally ill disease, and so do you when the reality of a life-limiting condition is involved. The painful symptoms and side effects of medical treatments that your child experiences are physically and emotionally draining. Palliative care team members are called in to emotionally prepare you and your child for drastic changes that are about to take place. Team members will leave the scene and allow the medical team to take full control again when your child is stabilized and no longer needs the current intensive comfort care any longer. They are poised to return when and if your child's condition worsens in the future. Who are the members of a pediatric palliative team?

A Pediatric Doctor

Members of the palliative team include a doctor who is trained in pediatric care and does have experience in treating children with life-limiting illnesses. This physician has neonatology training and is highly trained to manage the symptoms that affect your child.

Two Nursing Professionals

A practical nurse coordinator and a nurse practitioner jointly manage care for you and your child's needs. This professional cares for your child and the entire family and guides you throughout hospital and after care at home. The nurse coordinator provides you with resources you'll need such as nursing care and other therapies prescribed for your child's post hospital care.

Faith And Spirituality Chaplain Counseling

Spirituality plays a critical role in your life and that of your sick child. The chaplain offers a needed source of coping strength that helps you and your child get through each day. Your religious beliefs also provide that strength on any given day for both of you.

Recreation Opportunity

Plenty of recreational subjects are utilized for your child's benefit, and a child life specialist uses art, music writing and even dialogue that allows your child to understand the diagnosed illness.

Licensed Social Worker

A licensed social worker is a mainstay of the palliative team. This professional will help you, your child and other family members with mental issues that may arise. Social workers help you with financial answers to issues that may take place now and in the future.
