28 September 2016
Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is the inflammation of the outer layer of the eye and eyelid. This is typically caused by a bacterial or viral infection that is, fortunately, quite easy to diagnose and treat. Symptoms tend to include itching and burning of the eyes, tearing up, discharge, and swelling. If you think you may have pink eye, it is important to pay close attention to these questions and answers about conjunctivitis.
9 September 2016
If you're just getting started doing the heavy weightlifting at the gym, then you are most likely doing deadlifts. These lifts, along with squats and bench presses, are considered vital for muscle growth. However, they also pose a problem for many people. It's not uncommon to have muscle aches in your lower back after a session of deadlifts. That's not a situation that is conductive to further exercise, and it's also not something you should ignore.
24 August 2016
When you have a family member who is showing signs of hearing loss, it's not necessarily your job to suggest that he or she should get hearing aids. However, you can make the person's life easier by changing how you approach conversing with him or her. When someone is struggling to hear, crowded rooms and even one-on-one conversations can be a nightmare, and the person can feel highly embarrassed because of having to repeatedly ask others for clarification.
8 August 2016
If you're a physician, you probably think you have all the information you need to negotiate a favorable managed-care contract. Unfortunately, that might not necessarily be true. In fact, you might be losing money on your contract. Before you sign on the dotted line for your next managed-care contract, make sure you're getting the best possible deal for your money. Here are three mistakes that seriously undermine your bottom line when it comes to managed-care contracts.
27 July 2016
Regardless of your specific reason for scheduling a massage, relaxation is likely one of your desired outcomes. While your massage therapist's techniques, the use of essential oils and the dulcet tones playing in the background of the treatment room can contribute to your inner relaxation, you'll feel anything but relaxed if you feel embarrassed during your massage. There are many potential causes of embarrassment and, while your therapist has likely encountered all these scenarios and won't bat an eye, you may feel uncomfortable.