4 August 2021
About 4 out of every 10 women experience incontinence during pregnancy and/or after childbirth. For this reason, all women who are expecting a child should learn about urinary incontinence after childbirth and its treatment options. Read on to learn about why many women suffer from incontinence after giving birth and the many postpartum urinary incontinence treatment options available today. What Causes Postpartum Incontinence? Incontinence during pregnancy typically begins when the weight of a women's uterus and the growing baby inside of it places pressure on her pelvic floor muscles and weakens them.
2 July 2021
If you have a vision problem, the first thing and an ophthalmologist or optometrist prescribes are eyeglasses or contact lenses. Currently, about 75% of Americans wear glasses, while about 11% wear contact lenses. However, these two treatment options don't offer permanent vision correction. If you are looking for a lasting and better solution to your vision problem, you should consider LASIK. What is LASIK? This refractive surgery is performed to correct common refractive errors.
4 June 2021
Weight loss is one of the most common concerns of people who want to get healthier. While losing weight is not the only way to get healthy, many people feel better when they do shed some pounds. These tips help you lose weight alongside healthy changes to your routine. Work Out First Thing in the Morning Some people struggle to work out, and it's often because they procrastinate. You may find it easier to exercise if you do it first thing in the morning before you have an opportunity to back out.
30 April 2021
If you have recently found out that you have to have surgery, you understandably feel nervous. Going under the knife is a big deal and carries several risks. However, if you choose the right general surgeon, you may feel a lot more comfortable about undergoing the procedure. Here are some useful tips for choosing the right general surgeon. Get Referrals from Your Doctor If you are like many people, you probably do not know too many general surgeons.
5 April 2021
With more people than ever venturing into pre-planning for their final expenses and memorial services, there's an increasing interest in the difference between traditional burials and cremation. If you've been thinking about pre-planning your final services, you might be wondering the same thing. Before you establish your memorial service and burial plans, there are some things you should understand about why many people are opting for cremation. Here's a look at some of the advantages of cremation.