• Knee Pain: What Are Signs That Knee Surgery May Be Needed?

    18 November 2017

    Have you been experiencing knee pain? If so, you may be like many other people who are trying to manage their pain on their own. Ignoring knee pain and trying to self-medicate it with home remedies could result in a worsened condition. This is why it is important to include a doctor in any treatments. Some people wait to go to the doctor until their pain becomes unbearable. This can result in them needing to have a more aggressive approach to correcting their knee pain.

  • Why Does Your Athlete's Foot Keep Coming Back?

    6 November 2017

    Athlete's foot can be a struggle to get rid of. You think you have it under control when it returns with a vengeance, causing itching and pain between your toes. Usually, if your athlete's foot keeps returning, it means you are not treating it quite properly. Here are a few changes you might need to make to your treatment protocol to get rid of the fungus for good: Use your anti-fungal cream for longer.

  • Relying On Medical Marijuana: Why You Should Shop At A Dispensary Instead Of Growing Your Own

    16 October 2017

    Relying on medical marijuana to manage your health can be an effective option. But even with a prescription or license, you can't just go to a pharmacy or grocery store in order to get the medication you need. You can grow your own or utilize a local medical marijuana dispensary, or do both. Even if you want to grow a little of your own medication, there are many reasons to shop at a local dispensary rather than growing everything you need.

  • Consider These Caveats When You Work As A Massage Therapist From Home

    26 September 2017

    One of the advantages of getting trained and certified as a massage therapist is that you can work wherever you'd like. Many massage therapists opt to work from home if there's enough space for a proper treatment room. Working from home saves you the overhead of renting space to get your own a clinic or having to pay a percentage of your earnings to someone if you work in someone else's clinic.

  • That's "Not" Gonna Leave A Mark - Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques

    7 September 2017

    Even though any surgical procedure is a major medical event, gynecological surgeries, particularly hysterectomies have traditionally been some of the most invasive. Because of the requirement of a significant incision, the surgery involved large scars, intense pain and long recovery times. Over time, new techniques have been developed to make these procedures not only less invasive as to the scarring and amount of trauma to tissue but also allows the surgeon to be more precise.