• Three Exercises To Help Alleviate The Pain And Stiffness Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    15 June 2016

    Carpal tunnel syndrome can get in the way of your enjoyment of everyday life and prevent you from partaking in activities you used to love. Luckily, there are some exercises you can do to gain relief from the pain and stiffness. Perform these exercises daily, and you should notice that your symptoms become less severe over time. Fanning the Fingers This exercise helps stretch out all of the muscles in the back of your hand and wrist, which reduces pressure on your nerves.

  • What Are the Pros and Cons of 3-D Mammograms?

    1 June 2016

    Early detection of breast cancer is crucial to fighting the disease. Because of this, some medical care providers are turning to 3-D mammograms. As with any diagnostic tool, there is some debate as to whether or not it is the best method of detecting breast cancer. If you are considering a 3-D mammogram, it is important to weigh the benefits and risks.  Why Should You Have a 3-D Mammogram? One of the main benefits of a 3-D mammogram is that it is thought to be more effective in obtaining clear images of dense breast tissue.

  • MRI Versus CT Scan

    13 May 2016

    Doctors often order diagnostic scans, such as a CT scan or MRI, when there is a concern that someone may be injured, have damaged tissue or be suffering from cancer. While both a CT scan and an MRI provide 3D images of the body, they do so in a different way and each type of scan has its own pros and cons. One of these scans is typically better than the other in any given situation.

  • What You Need to Know If Someone in Your Family Has Been Diagnosed With Chiari Malformation

    29 April 2016

    Chiari malformation is a serious medical condition that can run in families, which leads doctors to recommend that all family members get tested when someone in the family gets a diagnosis. Here's what you need to know if someone in your family has been newly diagnosed with Chiari malformation. What is Chiari Malformation A Chiari malformation is an abnormality in the cerebellum, which is the lower part of the brain. The abnormality causes the cerebellar tonsils to descend into the spinal cord opening.

  • Tips For Making A Smooth Transition To Doggy Daycare For Your Dog

    9 April 2016

    If you recently accepted a promotion that will leave you away from home for many hours each day, then doggy daycare will help your dog stay healthier and happier while you are gone. If your first day of this new arrangement is giving you anxiety, then follow these simple tips to make you and your dog's transition smoother: Feed Your Dog Early in the Morning Since your dog will likely be excited about being around all of the other dogs at their new daycare, you should feed them well before you need to leave home in the morning.