• Eye Conditions You Are Overlooking: Is Your Vision A Problem?

    19 March 2015

    If you can't see as well as you used to and you can't figure out why, it's time to get your vision inspected. There are a couple of different vision problems that people deal with on a daily basis and never get treatment because they don't know that there is a serious problem. You could be dealing with computer vision syndrome, or you could have defective cataracts. Computer Vision Syndrome

  • Breathing Difficulties Could Be Early Signs Of Asthma

    19 March 2015

    When normal daily activities, such as carrying groceries in from the car, cause you to be out of breath, you may be seeing symptoms of asthma. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 18 million people in the U.S. have asthma. The symptoms often start out gradually, but can become severe enough that simply walking across a room is a challenge. Learn how to spot the signs of asthma, and see your family doctor before this disease takes your breath away.

  • Providing Excellent Care At A Lower Cost - Understanding The Medical Imaging Equipment Refurbishment Process

    13 March 2015

    If you're a physician looking to expand the ways you can provide excellent care to your patients, one of the areas you should examine is including medical imaging in your practice. Having access to your own imaging equipment can speed up the diagnostic process as well as guarantee that the quality of the images always meets your standards. The cost of the equipment, however, can be a significant impediment to achieving this goal.

  • 4 Features To Look For When Buying Chiropractic EHR Software

    18 December 2014

    If you operate a bustling chiropractic office, then you probably know how tough it can be to keep patient records, appointment scheduling, billing and more neatly organized. Fortunately, there are plenty of software programs out there that can help you keep things running smoothly in your office. You could be unsure of which program to invest in when there are so many options out there, but looking for these four simple yet important features can help you make the right decision for your chiropractic practice.

  • 3 Natural Ways To Prevent Colds And Flus In Your Family This Winter

    15 December 2014

    While there is nothing that can keep every member of your family from catching a cold virus all winter, there are natural steps you can take at home to help make illness an occasional thing in your home this winter and not a constant problem.  1. Humidify Your Home Adding humidity to the dry air in your home is one step that produces several positive effects that can minimize illness in your family.